Bamboo Skirting and beading explained

Bamboo Skirting and beading explained

This entry was posted on December 7, 2015 by chris elliott

Bamboo skirting and beading are accessories made from bamboo to complement or add the finishing touches to your bamboo floor.  They are available in carbonised, natural, strand woven and with a rustic effect.  They are essential to any flooring project and help to make your room look complete.


Bamboo Skirting

Bamboo skirting is used to cover an expansion gap which has been left around the perimeter of the room between the new flooring and the wall.

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Bamboo Beading

Bamboo beading (sometimes known as a 'quarter round') is used to cover the expansion gap that has been left around the perimeter of the room between the new flooring and the existing skirting. natural-bamboo-quarter-round-quadrant-beading-small-350-sq-web