Why should I let my bamboo floor acclimatise?

Why should I let my bamboo floor acclimatise?

This entry was posted on March 21, 2016 by chris elliott

All types of bamboo flooring should be left to acclimatise in its new surroundings.  This will help to reduce the risk of damage and movement happening once your flooring has been installed.

Bamboo is a natural product, so will naturally react and adapt to changes in the environment such as moisture, temperature and humidity.  Generally the bamboo will absorb moisture in the air and expand slightly, or it will loose moisture if the air is dry, and may marginally shrink.  This process is completely natural and it is very important to let the flooring adapt before it is installed otherwise it will not have room to allow for these changes. Follow these simple steps to allow your bamboo flooring to acclimatise correctly:

• Arrange for your bamboo flooring to be delivered to your property in plenty of time to allow for it to adjust to its surroundings before it is installed.

• Leave the flooring, in the unopened boxes, in the room or area where it is going to be installed. If you have a concrete subfloor that you should put the bamboo on batons to raise it up from the floor.

• Ensure the room is dry – bamboo flooring should not be left on a damp floor or in a room with damp or wet plaster on the walls.

• Make sure the flooring is left away from any heat sources, e.g radiators.

• Leave the bamboo flooring for at least 48 hours before you begin the installation process.

Do I need to let my bamboo floor acclimatise