Bamboo Flooring & The Environment

The modern, environmentally friendly and durable alternative to hardwood is bamboo flooring. Being a grass, as opposed to timber, gives bamboo the edge as not only a building product (being strong and at the same time flexible), but also as a sustainable resource: wood takes approximately 15-20 years to reach maturity, whereas the non-harmful harvesting of bamboo takes a mere 3 to 5 years. Bamboo has traditionally been the material of choice in most of Asia, and it is only recently that its benefits and environmental properties have begun to be utilised more fully in the west.

The growth in popularity in recent years for wood flooring has increased the burden on already stretched timber resources. Bamboo flooring shares many of the properties that attract discerning customers to hardwood; it’s low maintenance, hard wearing, and looks contemporary while having a timeless appeal; but it is without any of the environmental concerns that are attached to its hardwood counterpart.

Due to its flexibility as a material, bamboo flooring has a broad appeal that can be manipulated to suit a variety of styles. Its range of applications varies from period homes to offices, designer hotels and bars.

As well as being environmentally sound, bamboo flooring is competitively priced and easy to fit. Ease of fitting is always a worry for the prospective purchaser, with bamboo flooring the process has been simplified by the formulation of three different methods:

Floating floor: this involves gluing the tongue and groove joints of the bamboo flooring together over an underlay.

Secret Nailing: the bamboo floor is ‘secretly’ nailed down to a wood sub-floor.

Gluing down: literally gluing the bamboo floor to a sub-floor.

Each of these methods has its own benefits. Every effort is made to ensure the bamboo flooring conforms to the rigid E-1 European Standards. The benefits of choosing bamboo flooring are chiefly to found in the warm, comforting ambience it creates. Bamboo flooring immediately draws attention and recognition to a room, giving it character and focus. With its hard wearing properties, environmental benefits and natural beauty, bamboo flooring is the flooring of choice for generations to come.



Environment Policy


Here at the Bamboo Flooring Company, we take our environmental responsibilities seriously every aspect of our operation has been evaluated, from production and transportation, down to light bulbs and stationery.

Although our product is one of the most environmentally friendly and sustainable flooring materials available, we are constantly looking for new ways to reduce our Carbon Footprint: whether it refining our processes, using more environmentally friendly suppliers or investing in less wasteful technology.

We minimise waste and maximise the use of necessary resources to reduce pollution in all parts of our business, at home and overseas.

We have an ongoing investment programme to refine our production processes and deliver improved performance, which will further reduce our impact on the environment.

Fuel consumption for transportation and distribution is kept to a minimum, through shortening our supply lines and minimising non-vital journeys.

Waste produced in our manufacturing process is recycled used as fuel for the kilns that dry out the flooring.

Reducing the company waste production is a key objective and we are constantly refining our operating practices. Where waste is unavoidable, we recycle materials whenever practical: All brochures, letterheads and stationery are printed on recycled paper. All waste paper is recycled into packaging, and all waste cardboard, wood and bamboo is also recycled.

Electricity consumption is kept to a minimum. All non-essential lighting is switched off when not in use, all monitors use low powered TFT screens.

Our offices and warehouse buildings have been designed to make best-use of all available natural light, so artificial lighting is only required after dark.

We encourage all our employees to play an active role in achieving our environmental goals, not only in their day-to-day actions, but also with long-term ideas and suggestions.

We comply with all UK and global environmental legislation and regulatory controls.